After Shop Service API

Content of this page

When the customer completes a purchase and a order is created at Resurs Bank, the order is autherized and debitable.
In order for the money to be transferred to the merchant’s bank account the order has to be finalized (debited).

This page describes how a order can be handled after its creation and how you finalize the order.

You can do all this from Resurs Bank Merchant Portal, a web-based interface.
Or you can use the after shop webservices described below.

Service Endpoint:

Annulling (Cancel order) & Crediting (Refund) - annulPayment & creditPayment

Should you need to undo a payment, then you should use the annulPayment method.
If the order has been finalized then you must use the creditPayment method instead.

Debit order -  finalizePayment

When the order is complete, you call this method, the money is then transferred from the customer account to yours.

Make a new, additional debit on an existing order - additionalDebitOfPayment

For creating an additional debit of the payment.

Add meta data to order - addMetaData

If you wish to add more meta data to the payment. This can be used to register additional information about the payment,
and they may also be used for searching.

Search for payments - findPayments

If you want to search for specific payments.
To get the size of the searchresult, use calculateResultSize which for example can be used for paging.

Get detailed information about order - getPayment

Returns the details of a payment.

Get a specified document from order (PDF) - getPaymentDocument

Retrieves a specified document from the payment as a pdf.

Get names of all documents for an order - getPaymentDocumentNames

Retrieves the document names available for the payment.

Issue cutomer identification token

Issues a customer identification token that can identify this customer in further operations.
These functions do require the customer to be identified, and they require either a token, or information to identify the customer.
Tokens are intended to be saved with the user profile in the webshop.
In this way we delegate identification of the customer to the webshop after the initial identification is done.

Invalidate Customer Identification Token

Invalidates customer identification token(s).

Available actions

Available actions, depending on status and amount.

getPayment getPaymentResponse<status>DEBITABLE<status> getPaymentResponse<status>CREDITABLE<status> getPaymentResponse <status>DEBITABLE<status><status>CREDITABLE<status>
additionalDebitOfPayment YES YES YES
annulPayment YES NO YES
finalizePayment YES NO YES
creditPayment NO YES YES
Maximum amount for: is
additionalDebitOfPayment limit - totalAmount
annulPayment sum(AUTHORIZE.totalAmount) - sum(DEBIT.totalAmount) - sum(ANNUL.totalAmount)
finalizePayment sum(AUTHORIZE.totalAmount) - sum(DEBIT.totalAmount) - sum(ANNUL.totalAmount)
creditPayment sum(DEBIT.totalAmount) - sum(CREDIT.totalAmount)

In order to be able to charge more than the authenticated amount (maximum up to the requested limit) you must first make an additionalDebitOfPayment,this will increase the authenticated amount. Note that to update existing order line, ”artNo”, “description” and “unitAmountWithoutVat” have to match.Example:The order is authenticated for 2 products at a price of 100 sek / pcs, ie a total of 200 sek.To increase the number of products to 3, you send additionalDebitOfPayment with the increase, in this case 1 pcs (This provided that the current limit allows it).Then you can debit (finalizePayment) 3 items with a sum of 300 sek.NOTE! In order to use this feature, this need to be arranged with the partner’s KAM. This “shadow limit” can be applied either for a fixed amount, e.q. 2000SEK, or a percentage of the checkout value, e.q. 10%.

After shop event Resurs Invoice Resurs partpayment Resurs Card/Account Visa/MasterCard Bank payments directly from account to account:Swish, Trustly
Debiting whole order YES YES YES YES NO
Debiting part order YES YES YES YES NO
Crediting whole order YES YES YES YES YES
Crediting part order YES YES YES YES YES
Annulment whole order YES YES YES YES NO
Annulment part order YES YES YES NO NO
Additional Debit of Payment YES YES YES NO NO

General setup

General setup for orderstatus at Resurs Bank. You can use this when mapping your own system´s orderstatus to Resurs orderstatus.
Make a SOAP or REST for current order, to determine the current order status.

Orderstatus at Resurs Case 
On-Hold (Pending) getPaymentResponse.frozen=true 
Processing (Ready/Confirmed Resurs) getPaymentResponse.status:”DEBITABLE”=true
Completed getPaymentResponse.status: “IS_DEBITED”=true AND”DEBITABLE”=false ANDgetPaymentResponse.totalAmount > 0
Cancelled (Annulled) getPaymentResponse.status:”IS_ANNULLED”=true AND”IS_CREDITED”=false AND getPaymentResponse.totalAmount = 0
Refunded (Credited) getPaymentResponse.status:”IS_CREDITED”=true ANDgetPaymentResponse.totalAmount = 0

Payment type Swish (SE) is automatically finalized as default.

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