Merchant API POS

Generic, explanational documentationPlease note that the flow and its requests below is an example and other flows or variations may exist. Please advice with regarding specific actions prior to mapping up any logic or beginning any coding.

What can I find here?

Basic API flow


Every request requires an authorization header with a Bearer-token. A token lasts for 3599 seconds. To get a token you may use your test-credentials received from Resurs Bank.

URL to get token:

  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Scope= mock-merchant-api

Link to the call in swagger documentation: Get Token

Curl to get token

curl –location –request POST ‘’–header ‘accept: application/json’ \-header ‘Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ \-data-urlencode ‘client_id=fill out client_id’ \-data-urlencode ‘client_secret=fill out client_secret’ \-data-urlencode ‘scope=mock-merchant-api’ \-data-urlencode ‘grant_type=client_credentials’

Get Store ID

Get available stores

A client may have access to multiple stores, therefore we need to know which store to make the application or payment for.
This can be done by getting the available stores. Each store has a store-id. This id will be used in the next step to specify for which store we would like to get the payment methods.

URL to get available stores:

Link to the call in swagger documentation: Get Stores

Curl to get available stores

curl –location –request GET ‘’–header ‘Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>’

Get available payment methods

A store may have multiple payment methods available. The list of available payment methods will show what payment methods there are to apply from at the chosen store.
Each payment method has a paymentmethod id, wich will be used in the next step, when the application is created. 

URL to get available payment methods:{store_id}/payment_methods

Link to the call in swagger documentation: Get Payment Methods

Curl to get available payment methods

curl –location –request POST ‘{store_id}/payment_methods’–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \-header ‘Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>’

Create Payment

Create payment

The body below is an example used to create a new payment and authorize the payment. Note that more fields exist and options can vary depending on user-case. See the Swagger-documentation linked below for more information.

  • orderReference = your internal order reference, if it’s not provided by you it will be set by Resurs Bank

  • initiatedOnCustomersDevice = if clerk has asked for, investigated and confirmed that customer ID is OK, this setting can be set as false. If not, or you want Resurs to be responsible for ID’ing the customer, set this option as true.
  • deliverLinks = instructs whether or not to deliver links to the customer in case customer interaction like consents or contract signing is required
  • handleFrozenPayments = payments may be frozen for a short time due to fraud controls. When a payment is frozen  the goods shall not be delivered to the customer until the payment is captured
  • handlemanualinspection = if handling manual inspection, the flow may be stopped and the customer must talk to Resurs Bank personnel before the credit can be approved

For further information about orderReference, InitiatedOnCustomersDevice and handleFrozenPayments, please go to “Schema” → “CreatePaymentRequest” → “Options” Create Payment Options

URL to create payment:

Link to the call in swagger documentation: Create Payments

Create payment

Payload: application/json
  "storeId": "b7f88ac4-baa7-493b-a0a7-d4e14f91f555",
    "paymentMethodId": "7d63eb50-94b4-4238-8c0d-22d095bfe46b",
  "order": {
    "orderLines": [
        "description": "Product 1",
        "quantity": 1,
        "type": "NORMAL",
        "quantityUnit": "st",
        "vatRate": 25,
        "totalAmountIncludingVat": 5000.00
        "description": "Product 2",
        "quantity": 1,
        "type": "NORMAL",
        "quantityUnit": "st",
        "vatRate": 25,
        "totalAmountIncludingVat": 800.00
    "orderReference": "order6789"
   "customer": {
    "customerType": "NATURAL",
     "email": "",
    "mobilePhone": "0707132456",
    "deviceInfo": {
      "ip": "",
      "userAgent": "POS-system ABC"
 "metadata": {
   "creator": "Sellercode 789"
  "options": {
    "initiatedOnCustomersDevice": false,
    "deliverLinks": true,
      "handleFrozenPayments": false,
      "handleManualInspection": false,
      "automaticCapture": true,
    "callbacks": {
      "authorization": {
        "url": ""
      "management": {
        "url": ""
    "timeToLiveInMinutes": 5

Create payment responses and what to do next

TASK_REDIRECTION_REQUIRED → The customer is to be redicreted to “customerUrl” either sent by you or by Resurs (depending whether options.deliverLinks is true/false). Callbacks with callback-status AUTHORIZED, REJECTED, FROZEN or CAPTURED can be received before or after redirection is performed. 

If you want to check if the payment has been Authorized without redirecting (it may be that successUrl is shown directly in the customerUrl and an authentification is not needed), then call GET /v2/payments/{payment_id} and check for status: ACCEPTED

If paper signing is to be used (For Finland only) for signing an application/payment, see Physical Agreement Finland

POS flowchart

Merchant_API_POS_Flowchart - finder

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