TESTING IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTS Avoid running tests in the live environment. Read more below.Usually representatives and integrators are tempted to run tests in the live enviroment. Please don’t The main consequence is that credit applications are made and these are saved by credit agencies (like UC). Later, when new credits are considered, these old applications will be weighted in. A lot of credit applications in a short period of time looks suspicious.
PS! Note that the test data does not work for Store Solution API, only our ecommerce flows as well as Resurs Checkout POS/PUSH.
Resources for testing the integration are collected here.
- Test URLs
- Verify integration
- Test Data - Sweden
- Test Data - Denmark
- Test Data - Finland
- Test Data - Norway
SoapUI testing
Resurs Bank provides a set of public soapUI test cases to get you up and running quickly. soupUI is the leading free test tool for interaction with SOAP based WebServices.
By executing (and understanding) these test cases, you will gain a good understanding of how the Resurs Bank eCommerce service works, which will make the actual integrat ion much easier.
Download the SOAPUI testing suite here: xml.