Test Data - Norway

Phone number 22563733

All phone numbers are intended for test of functionality between the merchant and Resurs, not for tests between the merchant and end customer point. At creation time they are tested not to be real but at any time, without notice, they might be picked up for use by tele companies. If they then are used for tests, real people might get notifications, depending on use. The numbers have no logical functionality at Resurs other than to fetch an address, so if you want to test towards end customer point you can use your own private numbers.


Persons to use when testing.

Civic number Simplified shop flow    Merchant API
180872-48794 bookPayment   returns bookPaymentStatus=BOOKED or FINALIZED Get payment returns status ACCEPTED
Callback AUTHORIZATION will be sent with status AUTHORIZED
010249-24986 bookPayment returns bookPaymentStatus=DENIED Get payment returns status REJECTED
Callback AUTHORIZATION will be sent with status REJECTED
020849-29428 bookPayment returns bookPaymentStatus=FROZEN Get payment returns status FROZEN
Callback AUTHORIZATION will be sent with status FROZEN
230682-01608 bookPayment returns fraudControlStatus=FROZEN
After 5 seconds the payment is unfrozen.
Requires waitForFraudControl=true
Get payment returns status FROZEN
After 5 seconds the payment is unfrozen
Callback AUTHORIZATION will be sent with status FROZEN then AUTHORIZED
Requires handleFrozenPayments is true
050178-18440 bookPayment returns fraudControlStatus=FROZEN
After 5 seconds the payment is annulled.
Get payment returns status FROZEN
After 5 seconds the payment is annulled
Callback AUTHORIZATION will be sent with status FROZEN then REJECTED
Requires handleFrozenPayments is true
010782-12868 bookPayment returns fraudControlStatus=FROZEN
After 10 minutes the payment is unfrozen.
Requires waitForFraudControl=true
Get payment returns status FROZEN
After 10 minutes the payment is unfrozen
Callback AUTHORIZATION will be sent with status FROZEN then AUTHORIZED
Requires handleFrozenPayments is true
030477-05311 bookPayment returns fraudControlStatus=FROZEN
After 10 minutes the payment is annulled.
Get payment returns status FROZEN
After 10 minutes the payment is annulled
Callback AUTHORIZATION will be sent with status FROZEN then REJECTED
Requires handleFrozenPayments is true
260249-14002 bookPayment returns bookPaymentStatus=DENIED Get payment returns status REJECTED
Callback AUTHORIZATION will be sent with status REJECTED
270288-09552 customer got no cards/accounts which allow new card/account Get payment returns status ACCEPTED
Callback AUTHORIZATION will be sent with status AUTHORIZED


No payment methods for Norwegian orgainsations exist today. Contact your Resurs Bank sales representative if you want to support Norwegian organisations.

Organisation number Gender Civic number Shop Flow Simplified shop flow
892831270 M 180872-48794    
996030962 M 180872-48794 submitLimitApplication returns decision=DENIED bookPayment returns bookPaymentStatus=DENIED
950576839 M 180872-48794 submitLimitApplication returns decision=TRIAL bookPayment returns bookPaymentStatus=DENIED


Card to use when testing.

Test card numbers Government ID Phone number Maximum limit / purchase
9000 0000 0000 0000 16066405994 40000010 0
9000 0000 0000 5000 16066405994 40000010 5 000
9000 0000 0001 0000 16066405994 40000010 10 000
9000 0000 0001 5000 16066405994 40000010 15 000
9000 0000 0002 0000 16066405994 40000010 20 000
9000 0000 0002 5000 16066405994 40000010 25 000
9000 0000 0005 0000 16066405994 40000010 50 000

**To test VISA/Mastercard ** please see: https://shop.nets.eu/web/partners/test-cards


To test Vipps, please follow the steps on the below link. When completed, you can create a new Vipps-payment via Resurs and complete the purchase in your installed Vipps Test-app: App installation Vipps MobilePay

When installing the Vipps Test-app use: Social security number: 48076734537; Phone number: +47 93089608

Copyright © Resurs Bank AB 2024