Test Data - Sweden
Phone number 0701-112233
Persons to use when testing.
If you use waitForFraudControl=false the booking will get frozen automatically and you must register the callback automaticFraudControl to get informed when the booking is thawed.
Civic number | Get address response | Simplified shop flow | Merchant API | Exception |
198305147715 | Vincent Williamsson Alexandersson Glassgatan 15 41655 Göteborg | bookPayment returns bookPaymentStatus=BOOKED or FINALIZED | Get payment returns status ACCEPTED Callback AUTHORIZATION will be sent with status AUTHORIZED if callbacks are in use | Do not use this civic number when testing new- and existing card. |
197211072793 | Oliver Williamsson Alexandersson Makadamg 5 25024 Helsingborg | bookPayment returns bookPaymentStatus=DENIED | Get payment returns status REJECTED Callback AUTHORIZATION will be sent with status REJECTED | |
198209123705 | Julia Liamsson Liamsson Makadamg 17 25024 Helsingborg | bookPayment returns bookPaymentStatus=FROZEN The payment will never be unfrozen. | Get payment returns status FROZEN Callback AUTHORIZATION will be sent with status FROZEN | Do not use this civic number when testing new- and existing card. |
198001010001 | Stella Liamsson Eliassson Makadamg 3 41655 Göteborg | bookPayment returns bookPaymentStatus=FROZEN After 5 seconds the payment is unfrozen. Requires waitForFraudControl=true | Get payment returns status FROZEN After 5 seconds the payment is unfrozen Callback AUTHORIZATION will be sent with status FROZEN then AUTHORIZED Requires handleFrozenPayments is true | Do not use this civic number when testing new- and existing card. |
197801069241 | Elsa Liamsson Alexandersson Ekslingan 20 11521 Stockholm | bookPayment returns bookPaymentStatus=FROZEN After 5 seconds the payment is annulled | Get payment returns status FROZEN After 5 seconds the payment is annulled Callback AUTHORIZATION will be sent with status FROZEN then REJECTED Requires handleFrozenPayments is true | Do not use this civic number when testing new- and existing card. |
Coming soon | Elsa Williamsson Williamsson Ekslingan 11 41655 Göteborg | bookPayment returns bookPaymentStatus=FROZEN After 10 minutes the payment is unfrozen Requires waitForFraudControl=true | Get payment returns status FROZEN After 10 minutes the payment is unfrozen Callback AUTHORIZATION will be sent with status FROZEN then AUTHORIZED Requires handleFrozenPayments is true | Do not use this civic number when testing new- and existing card. |
198909194451 | Vincent Liamsson Williamsson Glassgatan 12 11521 Stockholm | bookPayment returns bookPaymentStatus=FROZEN After 10 minutes the payment is annulled | Get payment returns status FROZEN After 10 minutes the payment is annulled Callback AUTHORIZATION will be sent with status FROZEN then REJECTED Requires handleFrozenPayments is true | Do not use this civic number when testing new- and existing card. |
195004269741 | Stella Liamsson Williamsson Makadamg 16 11521 Stockholm | bookPayment returns bookPaymentStatus=DENIED | Get payment returns status REJECTED Callback AUTHORIZATION will be sent with status REJECTED | Do not use this civic number when testing new- and existing card. |
198801082382 | Liam Liamsson Williamsson Makadamg 6 21149 Malmö | bookPayment returns bookPaymentStatus=BOOKED or FINALIZED | Get payment returns status ACCEPTED Callback AUTHORIZATION will be sent with status AUTHORIZED | customer got no cards/accounts which allow new account |
Organisations to use when testing.
The first two digits of the organization number are optional:
- for legal entity: 16 + the company’s assigned organization number (10 digits)
- for a natural person: century digits 18, 19 or 20 + social security number (10 digits)
Organisation number | Civic number | Get address | Simplified shop flow | |
166997368573 | 198305147715 | Pilsnerbolaget HB Glassgatan 17 25024 Helsingborg | ||
169468958195 | 198305147715 | Grisfarmen Makadamg 12 11521 Stockholm | bookPayment returns bookPaymentStatus=DENIED | submitLimitApplication returns decision=DENIED |
162177385255 | 198305147715 | Pilsnerbolaget HB Glassgatan 5 25024 Helsingborg | bookPayment returns bookPaymentStatus=DENIED | submitLimitApplication returns decision=TRIAL |
162830419400 | 198305147715 | Grisfarmen Makadamg 15 41655 Göteborg | bookPayment returns bookPaymentStatus=FROZEN |
Card to use when testing.
Test card numbers | Government ID | Maximum limit / purchase |
9000 0000 0000 0000 | 194601136098 | 0 |
9000 0000 0000 5000 | 194601136098 | 5 000 |
9000 0000 0001 0000 | 194601136098 | 10 000 |
9000 0000 0001 5000 | 194601136098 | 15 000 |
9000 0000 0002 0000 | 194601136098 | 20 000 |
9000 0000 0002 5000 | 194601136098 | 25 000 |
9000 0000 0005 0000 | 194601136098 | 50 000 |
To test VISA/Mastercard please see https://developers.nets.eu/netaxept/en-EU/docs/test-environment/#build-test-cards
Account, with the option set in the payment method to use only government ID: If agreed upon with Resurs Bank, the merchant can let the customer use an existing account without entering an account number, the government ID will fetch the account number and signing is mandatory in this case.
Parameters when using Hosted flow
The flag allowCardPaymentWithoutCardNumber
set to true
will only display the input field for government ID.
set to false
will display both the government ID and card number fields and the customer must enter a card number.
Government IDAccount | Account number | Result |
6706222616 | 9578405010835835 | bookPayment returns bookPaymentStatus=BOOKED or FINALIZED |
6611096337 | 9578105010831111 | bookPayment returns bookPaymentStatus=DENIED |
Cards Payment Providers
Card number | Expire date | CVC | Result |
4925 0000 0000 0004 | > today | Any 3 digits | Success |
4925 0000 0000 0087 | > today | Any 3 digits | Reservation will fail |