Simplified Flow API

Get started

  1. Get Test URLs

  2. Download soapUI and run some of the tests.
  3. Figure out what functionality you’ll need.
  4. Setup your development environment
  5. Start coding the Shop flow.
  6. Implement callbacks.

    HTTPS and certificateNote that we only support HTTPS, both in test and production environment. You must have a valid and issued (not self signed) certificate for this.

Implement Shop flow.

The examples below demonstrates how to interact with the Application Service.

Authentication is done by using the http basic authentication.

1. Get all available payment methods - getPaymentMethods

This call can be cached for 24 hours.

Request and Response for API getPaymentMethodes

Request: getPaymentMethodes

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sim="">

Response: getPaymentMethodsResponse

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns3:getPaymentMethodsResponse xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns2="">
            <description>Faktura via e-post</description>
               <endUserDescription>Allmänna villkor</endUserDescription>
               <endUserDescription>Standardiserad europeisk konsumentkreditinformation (SEKKI)</endUserDescription>
            <description>Delbetalning via post</description>
               <endUserDescription>Allmänna villkor</endUserDescription>
               <endUserDescription>Standardiserad europeisk konsumentkreditinformation (SEKKI)</endUserDescription>

Get all available payment methodes by using getPaymentMethodes with language, customerType and purchaseAmount parameters.
By using this parameters for each booking you will only get the payment methods applicable.
In your application, present Resurs Bank payment methodes with the corresponding price information links.
For each payment methode a “read more…” is required. Use the price information links from getPaymentMethodes or present html from  getCostOfPurchaseHtml in a pop-up.
Present the Payment Methods in the same order as in response from getPaymentMethodes.

2. Fetch customer address: - getAddress (SE)

Enter goverment id.

Request and Response for API getAddress

Request: getAddress

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sim="">

Response: getAddress

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:getAddressResponse xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns2="">
            <fullName>Vincent Williamsson Alexandersson</fullName>
            <addressRow1>Glassgatan 15</addressRow1>

3. Book a payment - bookPayment

Book payment flow

All the data concerning the payment is entered through this method.
If a customer wants to deliver the order to a different address than the billing address the field deliveryAddress is used. This will trigger a customer authentication.

  • Enter customer information. (See our Customer data - Regular expressions for different fields.)
  • Select a Resurs Bank payment method.
  • Enter additional information the shop might want.
  • Confirm purchase.

Request and Response for API bookPayment

Request: bookPayment

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
  <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <bookPayment xmlns="">
      <paymentData xmlns="">
        <preferredTransactionId xsi:nil="true"/>
      <orderData xmlns="">
          <description>HDMI 3m</description>
          <description>Slim Case</description>
          <description>Shipping and Handling</description>
      <metaData xmlns="">
        <key>Express Shipping</key>
      <customer xmlns="">
          <fullName>Vincent Williamsson</fullName>
          <addressRow1>Glassgatan 15</addressRow1>
          <fullName>Vincent Williamsson</fullName>
          <addressRow1>Glassgatan 15</addressRow1>
      <card xmlns="" xsi:nil="true"/>
      <signing xmlns="">
      <invoiceData xmlns="" xsi:nil="true"/>

Response: bookPaymentResponse

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns3:bookPaymentResponse xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns2="">
                  <fullName>Vincent Williamsson Alexandersson</fullName>
                  <addressRow1>Glassgatan 15</addressRow1>

When you submit the bookPayment the response will be one of these bookPaymentStatus:

  • FINALIZED - The payment is finalized. Notify the customer and continue with the normal flow.
  • BOOKED - The payment is booked and you will have to finalize it on your own. To finalize booked payments automatically you can set a flag in the bookPayment.
  • FROZEN - The payment is currently frozen. This typically means that there is something that needs further investigation before the payment can be finalized.
  • SIGNING - The payment requires Signing. Redirect customer to signing URL. After a successful signing the order needs to be booked with bookSignedPayment.
  • DENIED - The payment is denied. The payment method can’t be used for the customer and the flow stops. Another payment method without credit might work for the customer.

4. Book signed payment - bookSignedPayment

After a successful signing the order needs to be booked:

Request and response for bookSignedPayment

Request: bookSignedPayment

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sim="">    

Response: bookPaymentResponse

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:bookPaymentResponse xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns2="">
            <signingUrl xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
                  <fullName>Vincent Williamsson Alexandersson</fullName>
                  <addressRow1>Glassgatan 15</addressRow1>

The purchase is now booked, finalized, frozen or denied.

You can choose to manage the order in Resurs Merchant Portal gui, or by using Resurs Order Management API After Shop Service .

Implement Callbacks

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